Technology Transfer Day on Microelectronics
Technology transfer days, or VALUE crossroad (VACRO) days, are organized in all research areas throughout Europe by the network of VALUE Relay Centres, with the objective of bringing research and technological development project results closer to the business community.
Six results from the ESPRIT Microelectronics (MEL) programme have been specifically chosen for presentation at the three locations in view of the high concentration of high-technology companies in these regions. The presentations will cover the following areas:
- Application modular integrated sensors (AMIS) presented by SAGEM, France;
- Signal digital processing (RETIDES) presented by ITCL, Belgium;
- Computer aided design (PowerCAD) presented by Alcatel, Spain;
- Components integration in ceramics (IBCAR) presented by SOREP, France;
- Hardware verification (FORMAT) presented by TGI, Spain;
- Integrated circuits (MORECO) presented by Elgelec, France.
The contractors participating in these projects will have the chance to present and demonstrate their results to interested organizations and to discuss future exploitation agreements on-site.
For further information please contact:
Spanish VALUE Relay Centre
Ms. Elena Mateo
Paseo de la Castellana 141
E-28046 Madrid
Tel: +34-1-5815586; Fax +34-1-5815594
European Commission
Mr. J. Hernandez-Ros
Jean Monnet Building (C4/007)
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430134533; Fax +352-430134129