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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Conference on external EU aid programmes

The European Commission will have spent ECU 40 billion on external aid projects in over 160 countries by 1999, at a rate of ECU 5 billion annually. In order to provide an overview of external EU aid programmes, the Commission is organizing a conference, EUROAID '94, to take pl...

8 November 1994 - 8 November 1994
The European Commission will have spent ECU 40 billion on external aid projects in over 160 countries by 1999, at a rate of ECU 5 billion annually. In order to provide an overview of external EU aid programmes, the Commission is organizing a conference, EUROAID '94, to take place in Brussels on 8-9 November 1994.

The conference will cover aid programmes in the following areas:

- Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (Lomé IV Convention);
- Asia and Latin America;
- Mediterranean countries;
- Central and Eastern Europe (PHARE, JOPP);
- Commonwealth of Independent States (TACIS).

The specific aims of the conference are to:

- Present updates of the aid programmes and provide information on how to access them;
- Address key issues affecting the programmes in different parts of the world;
- Examine the procedures for obtaining aid contracts;
- Improve the efficiency in the implementation of aid programmes;
- Provide a meeting place for EU enterprises for networking and forming new alliances.
For further information, please contact:

Secretariat EUROAID '94
Mr. John Daniels
Societe Generale de Developpement SA
57 rue de Stassart
B-1050 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-5124636; Fax +32-2-5124653