Software Quality Observatory
The Observatory brings together the producers of research results and potential users. It focuses in particular on local SMEs and national and multinational software enterprises. In February, the idea for a Software Quality Forum was launched. The Forum comprises a series of meetings, each one centred on a specific theme of software quality.
The next meeting will be on "Software product evaluation and certification". It will take place on 9-11 November 1994 in Bari, Italy, and will present the results of an ESPRIT project concerned with software quality.
There will also be a final workshop, accompanied by a tools exhibition, on 13-14 December 1994 in Bari. It will cover the following four themes:
- Software metrics;
- Software process assessment and improvement;
- Re-use of software components;
- Assessment and certification of software systems.
For further information, please contact:
IRIDE VALUE Relay Centre
Tecnopolis CSATA Novus Ortus
Mr. Giuseppe Bux
Str. Prov. per Casamassima Km. 3
I-70010 Valenzano (Ba)
Tel. +39-80-8770347; Fax +39-80-8770521