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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Information days on the Telematics Applications Programme

Proposers' information days for the second call for proposals for the Telematics Applications Programme (DG XIII) will be held in Luxembourg on 4-7 April 1995.

The call will be published on 15 March 1995 for the following sectors: Libraries, Telematics Engineering and Informa...

4 April 1995 - 4 April 1995
Proposers' information days for the second call for proposals for the Telematics Applications Programme (DG XIII) will be held in Luxembourg on 4-7 April 1995.

The call will be published on 15 March 1995 for the following sectors: Libraries, Telematics Engineering and Information Engineering, together with the electronic language resources tasks in Language Engineering. The call will close on 15 June 1995.

Information will be provided on the general orientation of the Telematics Applications Programme and on the requirements of the different sectors outlined above.

Participants will have the opportunity to meet programme management staff and potential project partners. Attendance is limited to one person per organization (or in the case of large organizations, one person per department).

Registration is free and is on a first-come first-served basis.
To register, please contact:

- Language engineering (resources):
4 April 1995
Mr. J. Soler
Fax +352-430133291

- Telematics engineering (programme support actions):
5 April 1995
Mr. V. Obozinski
Fax +32-2-2968398

- Information engineering:
6 April 1995
Mr. B. Smith
Fax +352-430134959

- Libraries:
7 April 1995
Mr. A. Iljon
Fax +352-430133530