EAEG/EAPG '95: European Association of Exploration Geophysics and the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers
The European Union will participate for the first time at EAEG/EAPG '95. DG XVII of the European Commission will present the THERMIE programme for energy efficient technologies and demonstrate the latest technologies of five European companies, whose projects have been funded by the THERMIE programme.
For further information on the EU stand, please contact:
Amy Middlemas
Petroleum Science and Technology Institute
Offshore Technology Park
Exploration Drive
Aberdeen AB23 8GX
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-1224-706600; Fax +44-1224-706601
For further information on EAEG/EAPG '95, please contact:
EAGE Business Office
Tel. +31-3404-62298; Fax +31-3404-62640