An information day on "Surveys and analyses in the field of vocational training" will take place in Enschede, the Netherlands, on 12 June 1995. It is organized by the European Commission, in collaboration with the University of Twente (OCTO).
The information day concerns the ...
12 June 1995 - 12 June 1995
An information day on "Surveys and analyses in the field of vocational training" will take place in Enschede, the Netherlands, on 12 June 1995. It is organized by the European Commission, in collaboration with the University of Twente (OCTO).
The information day concerns the "Surveys and analyses" related activities in the framework of the LEONARDO DA VINCI programme.
If you would like to participate, please contact:
Dr. T. F. Brandsma
OCTO Centre for Applied Research on Education
University of Twente
PO Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Fax +31-53-315099