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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Fourth Framework Programme Proposers Conference - UK

A Fourth Framework Programme Proposers Conference will take place in Birmingham, United Kingdom, on 28 September 1995. The event is being organised by Cambashi Limited and the CIM Systems Unit of the National Engineering Laboratory (NEL) on behalf of the UK Department of Trade...

28 September 1995 - 28 September 1995
United Kingdom
A Fourth Framework Programme Proposers Conference will take place in Birmingham, United Kingdom, on 28 September 1995. The event is being organised by Cambashi Limited and the CIM Systems Unit of the National Engineering Laboratory (NEL) on behalf of the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

The conference will concentrate on the Community's specific research and technological development programme in the field of information technologies, (ESPRIT IV) (1994-1998). In particular, it will include briefings on:

- The basics of the Information Technologies programme and traditional R&D projects;
- New initiatives, including user reference groups, technology transfer projects and dissemination activities.

It will also explain technology transfer actions and provide guidance on the crucial difference between "accompanying measures" and other projects.

There will be an opportunity for participants to consult with leading industrialists having participated in successful RTD projects, as well as with DTI and European Commission officials and evaluators.

The event will provide a comprehensive guide to proposal writing and potential problems and pitfalls and will look at the content of the forth call for proposals of the Information Technologies programme, due to be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities on the 15 September 1995.
For further information, please contact:

Cambashi Limited
Mr. Marion Baldwin
52 Mawson Road
Cambridge CB1 2HY
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-1223-460439; Fax +44-1223-461055