Telematic interchange between administrations
The morning conference will commence with an overview of the Commission's general aims for the IDA programme. It will then look at four key areas for the application of the programme in the areas of:
- The mobility of workers and unemployment;
- Environmental information;
- The Common Fisheries Policy;
- Health and pharmacovigilence (precautions for use of pharmaceutical products).
Three further conferences are being organized by "Sources d'Europe" during October and November 1995:
- The numerical revolution in the Information Technology programme (11 October 1995);
- Information technology and health, and an analysis of the RICHE project (15 October 1995);
- A study of Europort, the project to improve HPCN platforms (21 November 1995).
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Philippe Portalier
Sources d'Europe
Le Socle de la Grande Arche
92044 Paris - La Defense
Tel. +33-141-251274; Fax +33-141-251230