Language engineering programme information sessions and seminars
A proposers' forum and information session have been organized at which a Commission representative will explain how proposals in response to the third call should be prepared. These events will be held at the 1995 Language Engineering Convention, which will take place in London from 16-18 October.
In addition, information seminars on the programme and the call are being planned at national level.
For information on the programme, call and information seminars, please contact:
European Commission
200 rue de la Loi (BU 29/4-41)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2968962; Fax +32-2-2952354
For information on the convention, please contact:
Mrs. Dion Bassett or Mr. A. Buckley
Concorde Services Ltd.
10 Wendell Road
London W12 9RT
Tel. +44-181-7433106; Fax +44-181-7431010