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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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European Union Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition

The 1996 European Union Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition will be held in Göteborg, Sweden, from 20-24 May 1996. The Conference is being sponsored by the European Commission and Göteborg Energi AB.

The aim of the Conference is to provide a forum for presenting and discuss...

20 May 1996 - 20 May 1996
The 1996 European Union Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition will be held in Göteborg, Sweden, from 20-24 May 1996. The Conference is being sponsored by the European Commission and Göteborg Energi AB.

The aim of the Conference is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing all aspects of wind energy, including commercial applications, demonstrations and R&D, with emphasis on European activities. Comprehensive presentations and discussions will take place on European Union strategies and Community wind energy research and demonstration projects.

The Conference will also discuss problems facing wind energy installations as a result of building permit and planning conditions. A major highlight will be the presentation of the first experiences and results of the new generation of MW size wind turbines.

The five-day programme will include plenary lectures describing the state-of-the-art in wind energy, oral and poster presentations of specific RTD projects, an exhibition of products and services and scientific tours. The following topic areas will be covered:

- Programmes and policies;
- Financial, economic and business issues;
- Resource assessment;
- Technology development;
- Testing and certification;
- Advanced wind turbine design and testing;
- Applications.

The organizers are presently inviting papers on the above topics. Proposed contributions should be submitted by the end of October 1995.
For further information, please contact:

Sylvensteinstrasse 2
D-81369 Munich
Tel. +49-89-7201232; Fax +49-89-7201291

Proposed abstracts should be sent to:

European Commission
Conference Secretariat
Ms. Anne Baubin
200 rue de la Loi (SDME 3/20)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2959985; Fax +32-2-2960621