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European Product Data Technology Days 1996

European Product Data Technology (PDT) Days are organized each year by the Product Data Technology Advisory Group (PDTAG), a project financed under the Community's specific RTD programme in the field of information technologies (ESPRIT). This year's event, co-sponsored by the ...

16 April 1996 - 16 April 1996
United Kingdom
European Product Data Technology (PDT) Days are organized each year by the Product Data Technology Advisory Group (PDTAG), a project financed under the Community's specific RTD programme in the field of information technologies (ESPRIT). This year's event, co-sponsored by the European Commission (DG III), will take place in London, UK, on 18-19 April 1996.

The overall aim of PDT Days is to raise the awareness within industrial and commercial enterprises, of the business advantages that can be achieved by adopting and using modern PDT methods, and to share experiences on how measurable benefits can be realized.

The programme of this year's event, includes sessions on:

- PDT for new engineering processes;
- Parametric modelling;
- PDT implementation in the USA;
- STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) applications in plant, automotive and aerospace industries;
- PDT in the development and analysis of complex systems;
- PDT in the process industry.

In addition to the PDT Days'96 conference and exhibition, a two-day PDT tutorial session, PDT Tutorials 1996, will take place just prior to the main event, on 16-17 April 1996. The tutorials will have a specific technical content on EXPRESS language, data modelling and STEP implementation. They are designed to provide a basic grounding for companies wishing to understand the basics of STEP and to actively exploit the increasing demand for electronic product data technology.
For further information on either the PDT Days'96 or the PDT Tutorials, please contact:

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Mr. Bill Mesley
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United Kingdom
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