ICT Round Table II - "Citizens' needs for world-wide basic services"
Much of the work of the ICT Partnership takes place in round table discussions. The latest series of discussions, which are being organized under the chairmanship of the Confederation of European Computers Users Association (CECUA), addresses the question of "Citizens' needs for world-wide basic services".
These discussions, ICT Round Table II, are being set up with a view to enhancing the non-expert user's knowledge of network usage and mechanisms. This work constitutes a step in the direction of recommendations made in the European Commission's White Paper "Teaching and Learning - Towards the Learning Society" and constitutes the ICT Partnership's contribution to the European Year of Life-Long Learning.
Five workgroups are planned. One is dedicated to developing guidelines for delivery methods of pertinent knowledge. The four others are dedicated to outlining knowledge requirements in specific fields.
The first workgroup, which will address the theme of privacy and security in the use of information technologies, will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 8 February 1996. This sets out to draw up a list of knowledge requirements in connection with security and privacy related to e-mail and Web use on the part of the non-expert user. This list will then serve as the starting point for on-line discussion between workgroup members over a period of about one month leading to a finalized list.
For further information on the ICT Round Table II workgroups, please contact:
Mr. Alan Mc Clusky
2 chemin Mureta
CH-2072 St. Blaise
Tel. +41-38-630344; Fax +41-38-630348
E-mail: macclusk@cui.unige.ch
For further information on the ICT Partnership, please contact:
European Commission
Mr. Richard Delmas
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2968873; Fax +32-2-2968359