Using IT effectively in R&D management
The conference, which will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 23-25 September 1996, will emphasize the benefits of IT systems for R&D management practices and global communications within R&D teams.
Papers may be on the following topics:
- Managing the "virtual" project team: Issues, challenges and opportunities;
- Using IT to enhance the speed and effectiveness of new product development;
- The revolution in R&D "laboratory" and "workshop" techniques: The stimulus of IT;
- The implications of IT for R&D strategies, management practices and philosophies;
- The diffusion of IT within R&D organizations and across R&D communities;
- Designing IT into the new architectures and activities of R&D organizations;
- International design and development capability: Global IT systems and strategy;
- R&D networks and virtual organizations: Future roles and functions for IT systems.
Preference will be given to those papers which can demonstrate clearly their importance to good R&D management practices. Papers written by managers, or in conjunction with managers, will be particularly welcomed, especially if they report on empirical research findings about the relevant theme. Preferred papers will also include those which describe strategic developments, practical insights, or recommendations and forecasts of future requirements. Case-studies should highlight the value of each observed situation.
For details about registration, please contact:
Manchester Business School
Mr. Jeff Butler
R&D Research Unit
Booth Street West
Manchester M15 6PB
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-161-2756338; Fax +44-161-2756489
In order to submit a paper, please send an abstract to:
International Institute for Management Development
Prof. Georges Haour
Chemin de Bellerive 23
PO Box 915
CH-1001 Lausanne
Tel. +41-21-6180315; Fax +41-21-6180707