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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Reservoir engineering and management in the CIS

The EC Energy Centre of Tyumen, Western Siberia, Russia, will be holding a workshop on "Reservoir engineering and management" on 23-24 October 1996.

The workshop, organized within the framework of the Community's specific RTD programme in the field of non-nuclear energy (THER...

23 October 1996 - 23 October 1996
The EC Energy Centre of Tyumen, Western Siberia, Russia, will be holding a workshop on "Reservoir engineering and management" on 23-24 October 1996.

The workshop, organized within the framework of the Community's specific RTD programme in the field of non-nuclear energy (THERMIE), will address the productivity and environmental situation in the oil and gas industry in Western Siberia and the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). Topics to be covered include:

- The use of 3D seismics;
- Petroleum geochemistry;
- Field measurements;
- Production mechanism;
- EOR and field development strategy;

The workshop is being organized jointly by GEP, COMERINT, GOPA and IRO, in collaboration with the Tyumen Energy Centre.
For further information, please contact:

EC Energy Centre of Tyumen
Mrs. Irina Leskovskaia
Tel. +7-345-2251141; Fax +7-345-2250770