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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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EnviroSense'97 - European symposium on environmental sensing

EnviroSense'97, a European symposium on environmental sensing, will take place in Munich, Germany, on 16-20 June 1997. The symposium, part of the EUROPTO series of conferences, is being sponsored by DG XII (Science, research and development) of the European Commission. Other s...

16 June 1997 - 16 June 1997
EnviroSense'97, a European symposium on environmental sensing, will take place in Munich, Germany, on 16-20 June 1997. The symposium, part of the EUROPTO series of conferences, is being sponsored by DG XII (Science, research and development) of the European Commission. Other sponsors include the German aerospace research agency (DLR), the European Optical Society and the International Society for Optical Engineering.

EnviroSense'97 is aimed at all scientists and engineers engaged in environmental research in the optics, sensor technology and remote sensing fields. Scheduled to take place in parallel to LASER'97, the world's largest laser trade fair, its purpose is to demonstrate the environmental applications of modern technology (lasers, fibre-optics, etc.) and to examine the complex processes of analysis through detailed discussions.

The main topics of the symposium will be:

- Spectroscopic atmospheric monitoring techniques;
- Lidar atmospheric monitoring;
- Standardization of remote sensing methods;
- Remote sensing of vegetation;
- In situ and remote measurements of water quality;
- Combustion diagnostics;
- Chemical, biochemical and environmental sensors.

Papers are invited for submission by 21 March 1997 at the latest.
For further information, please contact:

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D-10707 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-8815047; Fax +49-30-88682946

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