E-Health funding opportunity for SMEs in the EU
The DIGI-B-CUBE project, funded under Program Horizon 2020 by the European Union (EU), will foster the development of customized solutions and prototypes for the healthcare sectors by providing innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the EU and Associated Countries with access to vouchers of up to € 60,000. The voucher scheme call will be launched in April 2020, but SMEs can start engaging in the project's activities in the coming months by participating in the project's sectoral and cross-sectoral workshops as well as matchmaking sessions. Through the DIGI-B-CUBE website, companies will also be able to interact with the consortium, identify potential partner SMEs, access digital services and contribute to the development of an action plan that suits their needs. Besides providing resources for the development of cutting-edge solutions, DIGI-B-CUBE will facilitate the identification of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing Digital Technologies which can be applied by the Bioimaging, Biosensing and Biobanking industries through a matchmaking platform scheduled to be launched also in April 2020. The consortium partners of the DIGI-B-CUBE project - six clusters and three SMEs connected to the Health, Digitalisation, Innovation and Information Technologies sectors - attended the kick-off meeting in Oslo on 27 and 28 of May and discussed the main action points for accelerating the creation of digital solutions for the healthcare sector in Europe. The participation of clusters is a key part of this project which aims at bringing together companies from different sectors and promoting the creation of combined solutions. The welcome note was delivered by Ketil Widerberg, General Manager of Oslo Cancer Cluster, who spoke about digitalization solutions that will reconfigure how health treatment is provided, will lead to more effective diagnosis and will enable personalized medicine. This 36-month project is coordinated by Oslo Cancer Cluster in partnership with Digital Norway; Cluster for Individualized ImmuneIntervention (Ci3); INFOPOLE; SECPhO; Business Upper Austria; Nuromedia; Motivan and Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação. The two-day meeting was the starting point of a project that aims at increasing the agility, efficiency and accuracy of diagnoses and treatments offered to patients. Note: This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 824920.
e-health, digitalisation, bioimaging, biosensing, biobanking, bioinnovation, healtheconomy, innovation