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Content archived on 2022-12-07

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New date for final Call for Research Training Networks

The next call for the Research Training Networks (RTNs) under the European Commission's programme for improving human potential and the socio-economic knowledge base will be postponed. The call, which was originally foreseen for June, will be put back until December 2000, al...

The next call for the Research Training Networks (RTNs) under the European Commission's programme for improving human potential and the socio-economic knowledge base will be postponed. The call, which was originally foreseen for June, will be put back until December 2000, allowing researchers more time to prepare their RTN proposals for this, the final call for this activity. Dates are not yet definite, but the most likely schedule is that the call will be launched in December 2000, with a deadline of May 2001 and the first projects starting in January 2002. As soon as the above timetable is finalised, this information will be confirmed on the Human Potential Programme homepage at: URL: and through CORDIS RTD News and Focus.