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Content archived on 2022-12-07

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LIFE III enters into force

Revised legislation governing the European Union's initiative to fund the environment - the 'LIFE' programme - has entered into force, taking the programme into its third phase. The LIFE programme aims to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of Community...

Revised legislation governing the European Union's initiative to fund the environment - the 'LIFE' programme - has entered into force, taking the programme into its third phase. The LIFE programme aims to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of Community environmental policy and of environmental legislation. In particular, the programme focuses on the integration of the environment into other policies and to sustainable development in the Community. The programme consists of three components: LIFE nature; LIFE environment; and LIFE-Third countries. According to the regulation, projects financed by LIFE III must: - be of Community interest by making a significant contribution to the programme's general objective; - be carried out by technically and financially sound participants; - be feasible in terms of technical proposals, timetable, budget and value for money. 'Priority may be given for projects based on a multinational approach when this is likely to have more effective results in terms of achievement of objectives taking into account feasibility and costs,' adds the Commission. LIFE III entered into force on 31 July 2000, following publication of the regulation in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

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