CORDIS - EU research results

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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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Interworking in Broadband Networks (RACE)

RACE (Research and Development in Advanced Communications Technologies in Europe) is the Community's specific programme in RTD in the field of communications technologies. The programme is a key driver for introducing Integrated Broadband Communications (IBC) in Europe. By of...

RACE (Research and Development in Advanced Communications Technologies in Europe) is the Community's specific programme in RTD in the field of communications technologies. The programme is a key driver for introducing Integrated Broadband Communications (IBC) in Europe. By offering to telecommunications actors a common conceptual and practical framework, RACE has accelerated the development of broadband technologies. By defining the strategies for European IBC introduction, RACE has considered interworking as one of the key elements in the evolution of existing heterogeneous networks towards IBC A publication is now available describing the context for Interworking within the RACE programme. It highlights the achievements of the first phase of RACE, and describes the major areas of effort undertaken by RACE II projects belonging to the "Test Infrastructure and Interworking" Project Line.

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