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Committee of the Regions' opinion concerning the 1993 White Paper on growth, competitiveness and employment

Further to its September 1994 session, the Committee of the Regions has published its opinion on the Commission's "White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness and Employment" which focused on the acceleration of growth, increased global competitiveness and job creation. The Commit...

Further to its September 1994 session, the Committee of the Regions has published its opinion on the Commission's "White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness and Employment" which focused on the acceleration of growth, increased global competitiveness and job creation. The Committee recognized, among other things, the importance of research and development as a means of increasing competitiveness and combating unemployment. To this end the Committee recognized the need to: - Develop small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); - Develop trans-European networks; - Encourage local development initiatives. It also welcomed the Bangemann report on "Europe and the Global information Society" in this context. The Committee endorsed the view expressed in the White Paper that the main objective of economic policy in the European Union must be the reduction of unemployment, especially in view of European integration. The Committee regretted the absence of sectoral or local and regional analysis in the White Paper, it advocated increased dialogue between itself and other European Union bodies on this matter, and pointed out that local and regional authorities, especially in urban areas, can be called upon to participate in the following areas: - Support for economic initiative; - An efficient local labour market; - Research and innovation policy; - Transport networks; - Information and communications technology; - The environment and quality of life; - General and vocational education. There are five annexes contained in this document: - Annex to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions; - Supplementary opinion on the urban aspects of the White Paper on growth, competitiveness and employment; - Complementary opinion on the White Paper; - Supplementary opinion on the educational and training aspects of the White Paper; - Main points and supplementary comments on the Delors White Paper.