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Content archived on 2022-11-28

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Telematics for Libraries CD-ROM

The "Telematics for Libraries" sector of the Community's Telematics Applications programme has recently produced a CD-ROM which provides an overview of activities in this sector since 1990. The CD-ROM includes general programme documentation, full descriptions of all funded pr...

The "Telematics for Libraries" sector of the Community's Telematics Applications programme has recently produced a CD-ROM which provides an overview of activities in this sector since 1990. The CD-ROM includes general programme documentation, full descriptions of all funded projects and actions (in particular final reports) and a range of other useful documentation (workshop proceedings, publications abstracts, etc.). The documents on the CD-ROM also contain direct links (provided that the user has an Internet connection) to the Web sites of the Commission and to those of the projects, giving access to continuously updated information, as well as to tangible project results (such as downloadable prototypes and on-line services). The long-term objectives of DG XIII's actions for libraries are to modernize library services and create a modern libraries infrastructure in Europe based on the use of new technologies and on cooperation. The start-up actions under the Third Framework Programme (FP3) (1990-1994) were aimed at catalysing change. They took first steps in creating a Europe-wide infrastructure by addressing the development of the components needed to interconnect libraries and the international provision of computerized catalogues, and by encouraging innovative services as well as the development of new tools and products for libraries in partnership with the private sector. The "Libraries" sector workplan under the Fourth Framework Programme (FP4) (1994-1998) both consolidates these actions and innovates in the area of networked information resources. It promotes the development of networked library services, through three foci: - The library service in the context of its local environment; - The international networking of libraries and of libraries and publishers; - The library as a value-added interface to the networked information world of the Internet.