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Content archived on 2023-03-27

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Specific research and technological development programme (EEC) in the field of energy - non-nuclear energies and rational use of energy - (JOULE), 1989-1992

Part of the Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (1987-1991) under subactivity 5.3: "Non-nuclear energies", this fourth programme in the field is directly linked to the Community's energy policy objectives for 1995 and to the convergence of the policies of the Member States. It is also related to the Community's environmental policy and action programme (1987-1992).

In addition, it is connected with:
- The demonstration projects on the exploitation of alternative energy sources, energy saving and the substitution of hydrocarbons (ENDEMO C);
- The industrial pilot projects and demonstration projects on solid fuel liquefaction and gasification (ENDEMO C);
- The technological development projects in the hydrocarbons sector (HYDROCARB 2C).

The programme's objectives are intended to be achieved through progress in the development and availability of techniques, processes and products allowing the rational use of energy, in the non-polluting use of solid fuels and hydrocarbons, in the efficient and economic use of renewable energy sources and in the development of models for energy and the environment.
To develop non-nuclear energy technologies, including the exploitation of solid fossil fuels and new and renewable sources of energy, and to promote the efficient and rational use of energy so as to increase the security of energy supplies and reduce imports without damaging the environment.
Four areas:

- Models for energy and environment:
To enhance the analytical potential for application in the Member States and to develop an overall European policy analysis capability emphasizing energy-environment and energy-economy interactions;

- Rational use of energy:
To develop energy technology leading to increased energy efficiency and reduced usage by means of end-use conservation and energy conversion and storage;

- Energy from fossil sources:
. Hydrocarbons: to develop techniques for easier and more efficient exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon fields and for better use of the extracted hydrocarbons;
. Solid fuels: to develop processes and installations for solid fuel combustion (concentrating on the use of coal for electricity production) with increased conversion efficiency and reduced environmental impact;

- Renewable energies:
. Solar-derived energy sources:
Wind energy: to cut the cost of wind-derived electricity by improving the performance and increasing the lifetime of wind turbines; solar photovoltaic energy: to cut the cost of photovoltaic devices; hydraulics; biomass: to develop techniques for the production, conversion and use of fuels from biomass in cooperation with the Community's ECLAIR, wood and agricultural programmes;
. Geothermal energy and deep geology.
The Commission, assisted by an advisory committee composed of the representatives of the Member States and chaired by the representative of the Commission, is responsible for executing the programme by means of shared-cost research contracts, study contracts, coordination projects, and training and mobility grants.

Participants may be industrial companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises, research institutions, universities and individuals or any combination thereof established in the Community. Where framework agreements have been concluded for scientific and technical cooperation between non-Community European countries and the European Communities, organizations and enterprises established in those countries may become partners in a project undertaken within the programme.

Shared-cost contracts are awarded following a selection procedure based on a call for proposals. The Community may bear up to 50% of total expenditure or, where universities and research institutes are involved, up to 100% of the marginal costs. Contracts concluded by the Commission govern the rights and obligations of each party and, in particular, arrangements for the dissemination, protection and exploitation of research results.

During the second year of implementation, the Commission will review the programme and submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council. It will subsequently submit a final evaluation of the results achieved.