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Contenu archivé le 2023-03-27

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Community programme (EEC) in the field of telecommunications technologies (RACE), 1987-1992

Part of the Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (1987-1991) under subactivity 2.2: "Telecommunications".

The programme is focused on the community-wide introduction of Integrated Broadband Communications (IBC), in harmony with national introduction of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), starting in 1995. Covering all aspects of terrestrial networks, satellite and mobile telecommunications, it includes narrowband networks and distribution networks of all kinds as well as specific broadband networks.

RACE is ultimately concerned with services, their definition and their exploitation by end-users.
To promote the internal and external competitiveness of the Community's telecommunications industry, thus enabling it to provide users with low-cost advanced communications technologies, having particular regard to the introduction of commercially viable Integrated Broadband Communication in a number of Member States by 1996.
Three parts:

- IBC development and implementation strategies:
Related to the development of functional specifications, the systems and operational research towards the definition of proposals for IBC standards and the analytical work to establish interoperability for IBC equipment and services;

- IBC technologies:
Technological cooperation in precompetitive R&D addressing key requirements of new technology for the low-cost realization of IBC equipment and services;

- Prenormative functional integration:
Relating to prenormative cooperation in the realization of an "open verification environment" with respect to functional specifications and standardization proposals.
Implementation is monitored by the Commission assisted by a Committee composed of two representatives of each Member State and chaired by a Commission representative.

The proposals for projects, as a rule, are submitted in reply to an open invitation to tender. Projects normally take the form of shared-cost contracts. Contractors are normally expected to bear at least 50% of total expenditure. Each project must involve at least two independent industrial partners from a minimum of two Member States. The Commission, after consulting the Committee, defines procedures (including rules on confidentiality) for the exchange of information between Member States, the Commission and suppliers.

Projects may include organizations and enterprises from non-Community European countries with whom framework agreements for scientific and technical cooperation have been concluded. Procedures have been set up for cooperation with COST actions in related research areas.

After 30 months the results of the programme were reviewed by the Commission and reported to the European Parliament and the Council/Member States. At the end of the first five-year period a report on performance and results will also be submitted.