Strategies for improving the bioeconomy knowledge of the general public
Proposals under this action should bring bioeconomy research and innovation closer to the EU citizens to show the potential economic, environmental and social impact of the bioeconomy. A series of communication activities around Europe at local level (for example in the form of bioeconomy roadshows and online campaigns) would contribute to address this challenge. Showcasing examples of bioeconomy products, demonstrating the relevance and possibilities of bioeconomy in everyday life and spread targeted information in local languages in big cities around Europe can be considered as means to bring the bioeconomy closer to a wider audience (for example to the younger generation).
The proposals may consider the involvement of local and regional authorities, and reaching out through opinion leaders as bioeconomy ambassadors could multiply these messages and be perceived by the public as source of local, credible and accessible information.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribu
The bioeconomy is not a well-known concept among European citizens due to lack of information or information that cannot be understood by the general public. This means that there is little awareness of the importance of the bioeconomy in times of climate change, food insecurity and the tangible benefits the use of biological resources can bring to our everyday life. There is a strong need identified to engage in structured and coherent communication activities on the bioeconomy research and innovation results. The main tasks of this project are therefore to better understand existing barriers, raise awareness by informing citizens and establish an interactive, two way dialogue between local research centres, the European Commission and European citizens.
In the framework of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy, this action should initiate structured and consistent communication on the bioeconomy across a range of on- and offline platforms with a view to boosting knowledge of the general European public. The following impacts can be expected:
- Citizens will become aware of the importance and possibilities/impact that research and innovation in the bioeconomy can offer for them
- Bioeconomy will be put more prominent on the agenda at national, local and regional levels