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Use enabling technologies to improve feedstock availability and sustainability for the bio-based industry


Efficiently integrate enabling technologies into bio-based operations to optimise value chains from a technical, economic, social and environmental point of view.

Proposals must deliver a logistical and technological scheme that will increase the supply of suitablequality feedstock to optimise bio-processing operations throughout the year. The scheme will also lower biomass losses from feedstock supply through the processing stages of the value chain; and allow a longer storage time before processing through more efficient pre-treatment steps and storage methods to better preserve the valuable components.

Proposals will also improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the targeted value chains.

This topic includes any bio-based feedstock, provided it can be sourced in Europe in a way that is sustainable both from an environmental and an economic perspective.

Proposals should include the related primary sector(s) (or their representatives) as strategic partner(s) in the covered value chains.

Proposals must also include an experimental validation of the proposed concept via direct comparison with existing comparable options.

Proposals should address all the requirements for RIAs shown in Table 3 of the Introduction.

The technology readiness level (TRL) at the end of the project should be 4-5 and not exceeding 5. Proposals should clearly state the starting and end TRLs of the key technology or technologies targeted in the project.

Indicative Funding:

It is considered that proposals requesting a contribution of between EUR 2 million and EUR 5 million would be able to address this specific challenge appropriately. However, this does not preclude the submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Bio-based operations often deal with variable or even unpredictable conditions (e.g. weather, geographical differences, pathogens) affecting the overall resource efficiency of the targeted value chains. Proper planning of bio-based operations must take into account multiple inputs on soil conditions, biodiversity, logistics, resources management, etc. There are many enabling technologies that promote smarter, safer, more efficient and more environmentally friendly bio-based value chains. These technologies include: ‘big data’, geographic information systems, sensors, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and prediction algorithms. The technologies can also assist the bio-based industry to better evaluate quality and availability of (residual) biomass as feedstock for bio-based operations. Consequently, the bio-based industry can better plan its feedstock supply and align its operational steps accordingly.

The technologies mentioned above will also help bio-based operators to adapt and fine-tune the technological steps in pre-treatment, conversion and downstream processing.

The specific challenge is to increase biomass availability, resource efficiency and sustainability for the bio-based industry through enabling (advanced and innovative) technologies.


contribute to KPI 1 — create at least one new cross-sector interconnection in the bio-based economy;

contribute to KPI 2 — set the basis for at least one new bio-based value chain;

contribute to KPI 8 — validate at least one new or improved processing technology reflecting the ‘TRL gain’ since the start of the project.


reduce greenhouse gas (including CO2) emissions (expressed in CO2 equivalents) in transport by at least 30% as a result of improved logistics and processing;

reduce raw-material loss by at least 20% as a result of more efficient logistics and processing;

contribute to the EU’s 2050 long-term strategy for a climate-neutral Europe by replacing fossilbased material with bio-based, renewable material.


show the potential of enabling technologies for reducing raw-material transportation costs by at least 20% when applied at large scale;

increase resource- and operational efficiency;

show the potential of enabling technologies for increasing income opportunities for biomass producers and other stakeholders involved in the supply chain when these technologies are applied in value chains operating at commercial level.


show the potential for creating new job opportunities in the bio-based sector in rural, coastal and/or urban areas with successful project results;

show that adequate enabling technologies can improve the integration of digital applications and human activities;

show that adequate enabling technologies can increase the safety and efficiency of field operations.

Type of action: Research and Innovation Action