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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Proposals should aim at coordinating the relevant stakeholders, project consortia, as well as policy makers, in full collaboration with the LIASE, addressing all of the following:

  • Establish a communication platform for all stakeholders;
  • Promote the objectives of the Lighthouse Initiative;
  • Facilitate connections between the stakeholders;
  • Help shaping the Lighthouse Initiative during and beyond H2020;
  • Organize outreach events;
  • Facilitate dialogue between all stakeholders;
  • Help the networking of respective national and international activities in the field.

In February 2018, the ECSEL JU Governing Board adopted, with the Lighthouse Initiative Health.E an important effort in the field of Health and Wellbeing. It was accompanied by a first project Position-II and by the setting up of a LIASE (Lighthouse initiative Advisory Service). The present call is for a Coordination and Support Action to support the Lighthouse Initiative in establishing the Lighthouse and its coordination with amongst other national activities in the field.

The following impacts are expected to be addressed:

  • A goal-driven, federated effort towards a challenging industrial vision to generate European leadership in digitalisation of healthcare, and a strong potential for longer term technological innovation and economic exploitation.
  • Involvement and commitment from key stakeholders.
  • Increased transnational collaboration between the relevant European initiatives in the field.
  • Spreading of excellence on digitalisation of healthcare across Europe.
  • Increased awareness of European activities in this field.