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Downstream services for public authorities


The objective is to launch demand-driven innovation actions by public authorities aiming at customising Copernicus information as part of the solution (i.e. possibly alongside other space or non-space data sources) for their needs. Transnational collaboration has a key role to play in this context, as it can facilitate knowledge transfer and optimisation of resources for public authorities. It also fosters service providers who can benefit from an strengthened digital single market. Application products are expected to adopt open standards for data documentation, data models and services.

The choice of Copernicus service and associated downstream EO-based services left to the proposer.

Applicants are advised to consult further information on availability of Copernicus Sentinel Data, access to Copernicus Contributing Mission data, as well as issues recommended to be detailed in the proposals at the Commission’s website[[]].

It should also be noted that coupling with ESIF[[European Structural and Investment Fund.]] actions could facilitate this process and can ensure continuity.

Copernicus, the Union's Earth observation and monitoring programme entered into force in 2014 and produces a wealth of data and information regarding the Earth sub-systems (land, atmosphere, oceans) and cross-cutting processes (climate change, emergency and security). Such information can be very helpful for reporting obligations of Member States and can enable informed decision-making. At the same time such information needs either adaptation to local conditions and contexts, or adaptation to the specific needs of public authorities as part of workflow and procedures. The challenge is to deepen user integration and thus foster exploitation of Copernicus information to match the needs of public authorities at national, regional or local levels.

New and innovative solutions are needed to address the existing and emerging societal challenges faced among others by the public sector. Some of these societal challenges require public sector transformations for which no commercial stable solutions exist, and that require a more forward looking public procurement strategy either through incremental or radical innovation.

  • The establishment of buyer groups for Earth observation services;
  • Copernicus-enabled national, regional or local applications in support of public authorities;
  • Fostering the emergence of similar EO-based actions in smart specialisation strategies;
  • Establish sustainable supply chains for delivery of downstream EO-based services to public authorities.