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Community building and roadmapping for high performance and smart electrochemical energy storage


Proposals should aim at networking and coordinating the efforts of the relevant stakeholders, notably academia, RTOs and industry and preparing a long term research roadmap for radically new electrochemical energy storage technologies, devices and smart systems. Such systems should aim at major performance gains (in terms of e.g. energy and power density, lifetime, energy efficiency, cost, fast charging and safety) and environmental sustainability. The roadmap should take account of relevant national and regional programmes, and complement the short/medium term research activities on battery technologies foreseen at European level and in the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan[[See]]. It should show what the major milestones are, position the proposed research in the global landscape and elaborate a clear path towards societal impact, technology development, innovation and exploitation.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 0.5 million and for a duration of 12 months would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts or for a different duration.

To network and coordinate the efforts of the European academic and industrial research and innovation communities from multiple disciplines towards developing a roadmap for long term research into radically new technologies for electrochemical energy storage. This area is critical for the development of a world-class European industry and for addressing the needs of many sectors, including e-mobility and renewable energy storage.

  • Increased synergies and collaboration between the relevant research and innovation stakeholders in Europe as well as with major initiatives that already exist or are under preparation
  • Increased industrial support and engagement in key energy application domains for the implementation of the research and innovation roadmap in the related areas.