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MSCA for researchers at risk


Funding will be given to a consortium of organisations with (i) experiences in supporting researchers at risk and (ii) knowledge of related European and national R&I funding programmes. “Researchers at risk” refers to researchers who are either at risk in their origin countries (due to discrimination, persecution, suffering and/or violence), or are seeking refuge out of these reasons or have recently found refuge in Europe.

Special attention will be given to assess the effectiveness of existing measures in European and national R&I programmes and to develop recommendations for policy-makers for effective programmes addressing support to researchers at risk to continue their scientific career in Europe, to find employment in line with their expertise and to support their integration in society in Europe.[[“Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals”. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and

  • An improved, sustainable and professionalised support network for researchers at risk across Europe, facilitating access to Horizon 2020 calls, creating level playing field for applicants to MSCA and other R&I programmes, and raising the average quality of submitted proposals.
  • A more consistent and sustained level of preparedness for supporting researchers at risk in Europe.