Debate Science! European Youth Parliaments
The Commission will support the final event of the 'Debate Science! European Student Parliaments'. This activity is in line with the main objectives of the Science with and for Society Programme and Responsible Research and Innovation policy (RRI), and in particular the main objectives of the science education as an integral part of the RRI policy : to build effective cooperation between science and society, to attract youth towards scientific studies and careers, to pair the interest of youth in science with social awareness and responsibility, and to help them to become more active citizens in the field of science. This activity also aligns with the overall objectives of ESOF 2018 to foster European dialogue on science and technology by engaging citizens, and in this case youth, to increase communication and cooperation between science and society. This activity enables to engage youth in debates about science and the solutions it can bring to the challenges European Society will face in the future (alon