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SSI - Smart System Integration


a. Research and Innovation Actions

The aim is to make technological breakthroughs and their validation in laboratory environments of the next generations of miniaturised smart integrated systems, including micro-nano-bio systems (MNBS). Proposals are expected to address the integration of new or most advanced technologies such as micro and nano-electronic, micro-and nano-electro-mechanical, micro-fluidic, magnetic, photonics, bio-chemical and microwave and related materials in miniaturised and highly reliable multi-functional smart integrated systems.

Proposals will address industrial-relevant technological developments, modelling and validation that will enable solutions in particular for health and well-being, automotive, food, telecommunication, safety and security, environmental monitoring, manufacturing or energy. Ethical issues will be paid due attention when considering the enabled solutions. The target is TRL 2 to 4, tackling hard technology challenges with results ready for full scale deployment in the next 5 years.

The work will complement the ECSEL JU support that focuses on higher TRLs.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 2 and 4 million would allow this area to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

b. Coordination and Support Actions

The objective is to complement R&I activities by structuring industrial cooperation and facilitating end-user adoption for the next generations of miniaturised smart objects and systems. Proposals should include one or more of the following actions:

  • Understand the emerging needs of end users and changing requirements for customer acceptance, including public procurers needs for MNBS solutions. The variety of users' needs and customers, induced by age, gender and other factors, will be taken into account.
  • Support the industrial smart systems integration stakeholder community by translating industry needs into Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas, and defining measures for standardisation, regulation, policy initiatives, harmonisation and skills development
  • Communicate and demonstrate the benefits and potential of miniaturised smart systems integration to users, public procurers, investors, regulators…
  • Strengthen the networking and cooperation between the industrial smart systems integration stakeholder community in Europe and support to international collaboration
  • Foster cooperation and clustering between projects and monitor technology advances and developments in the field

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 0.5 and 1 million would allow this area to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

The challenge is to be able to develop and manufacture smart objects and systems that closely integrate sensors, actuators, innovative MEMS, processing power, embedded memory and communication capabilities, all optimising the use of supply power. This will require technology breakthroughs notably in integration, miniaturisation with additional functionalities and mastering complexity. This will result in highly reliable, resilient and resource efficient digital and heterogeneous smart objects and systems that could easily be made interoperable within systems of systems. As dependency on these smart objects and systems increases, reliability and security will become critical differentiating factors as well as low power consumption, energy harvesting and the capability to operate under various and harsh conditions.

Proposals should address one or more of the following impact criteria and provide metrics to measure and monitor success.

a. Research and Innovation Actions

  • Availability of new generations of miniaturised smart systems with significant improvements in performance (including in terms of size, cost and affordability, reliability and robustness, low power consumption and energy autonomy and user acceptability);
  • Reinforced industrial technology leadership in next generation smart systems with high market potential;
  • Business growth and increase competitiveness by strengthening cooperation along the value chain;
  • Increased industrial investment in smart system integration technologies;
  • Strengthening Europe's position in the manufacturing of miniaturised smart systems;
  • Provide innovative solutions for addressing societal needs and expectations in particular for the health and well-being, safety and security and environment.

b. Coordination and Support Actions

  • Strengthened cooperation between the multi-disciplinarily miniaturised smart systems research and innovation stakeholders;
  • Better connected smart systems technology developers and users community in selected sectors;
  • Strengthened smart systems integration ecosystems and better addressing public procurers needs.