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Support to the EOSC Governance


The projects funded under this topic should establish clear links among themselves and with all relevant and EOSC related projects funded under previous and current Horizon 2020 Work Programmes, in order to collaborate and address potential synergies, overlaps and gaps in the overall service offering. As such, these projects will constitute a ‘dedicated and mandated effort or instrument to coordinate EOSC-type activities across Member States’, a need highlighted by the EOSC HLEG report[[Report “Realising the European Open Science Cloud”, October 2016]], as also endorsed in the Competitiveness Council of 30 May 2017.

Proposals will address one of the following sub-topics:

(a) Setup of an EOSC coordination structure - Coordination and Support actions

This sub-topic aims to set-up a coordinat

The main objective of this topic is to set up an operational framework for supporting the overall governance of the EOSC, including the coordination between relevant national initiatives.

Subject to the finally agreed content of the EOSC roadmap[[The EOSC roadmap, to be presented for consultation with the Member States and the Associated Countries by the end of 2017 in view of its endorsement, will include a description of the EOSC governance with the mandate and procedure for selecting the members of its governing bodies.]], the governance of the EOSC should rely on the interplay between three components: a body of representatives of the Member States, the Associated Countries and of the Commission that will decide and oversee the EOSC strategy, setting the broad orientations and the funding of the EOSC; an Executive Board constituted of high-level representatives of the stakeholders that will oversee the EOSC implementation, advising on the way forward and implementing the strategic and funding ori

  • Pursue, under sub-topic (a), the identification and setup of an appropriate legal vehicle to enable the EOSC core functions (taking into account work done by the EOSCpilot project), the definition of statute and role of a EOSC coordination structure for the EOSC implementation, the rules of participation and decision making, and the governance mechanisms.
  • Providing a recognized governance and implementation framework to identify priorities at EU level for new or upgraded research data services, thus avoiding proliferation of isolated, separated and overlapping initiatives.
  • Streamlining advice to policy making and funding authorities concerning the EOSC, including preparation of financial plans and regular update of the EOSC roadmap initially developed by the European Commission.
  • Achievement of a sustainable support to the EOSC governance via the coordination structure enabling the networking, harmonisation and federation of EOSC related initiatives with capaci