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Co-Innovation platform for research infrastructure technologies


The aim is the establishment of an open initiative oriented towards a novel research and innovation collaborative framework engaging both the research communities in Europe using Research Infrastructures and the industry (including SMEs), for the mutual benefit of these stakeholders and the European society at large.

Under the previous Work Programme, through a pilot action, support has been provided to a wide number of proofs of concept demonstrating the potential for industrial application and exploitation of innovative solutions based on research infrastructure technologies. Proposals under this topic should focus on the most promising outcomes of the past pilot action[[]] as well as on other valuable opportunities of exploitation of research infrastructure technologies for industrial applications, to further support their development and substantially raise their TRL. These opportunities should have breakthrough potential across Europe, be feasible and scalable, as well as

Research infrastructures, as providers of advanced services and as procurers of leading-edge technologies, have an innovation potential that has not always been sufficiently exploited. Opportunities provided by the development of components, instruments, services and knowledge for the implementation and upgrade of research infrastructures, could be better exploited to push the limits of existing technologies. There is a clear innovation potential associated with procurement from industry during the construction and upgrade of research infrastructures.

A co-innovation approach to continuously generate, scale and deploy breakthrough technologies with market and social value needs to be adopted by research infrastructures.

This activity will:

  • establish a co-innovation platform to transparently promote the use of research infrastructure technologies for industrial applications across Europe
  • increase the capacity to generate, absorb and use new technologies in Europe;
  • enhance the innovation capability of European Research Infrastructures;
  • raise the awareness of industry (including SMEs) regarding opportunities offered by research infrastructure to improve their products, e.g. as experimental test facilities, innovation hubs, knowledge-based centres;
  • support the integration of research infrastructures into local, regional and global innovation systems;
  • when applicable, the socio-economic impact of past investments in research infrastructures from the European Structural and Investment Funds is enhanced.