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Support to the realisation of the Implementation Plans of the SET Plan


Proposals will support, when appropriate, the execution/realisation of a SET Plan Implementation Plan prepared by one of the following SET Plan Temporary Working Groups (TWGs):


  • Solar thermal energy (CSP / STE);
  • Offshore wind;
  • Photovoltaics (PV);
  • Ocean energy;
  • Deep geothermal systems; and
  • Driving ambition in carbon capture and storage deployment.


  • Renewable fuels & bioenergy.

Proposals should take into consideration the coordination needs of each specific sector and the emerging policy priorities for their implementation. Proposals should count with the participation of research organisations and/or companies (industry) committed in principle to execute all or some of the SET Plan related R&I activities specified in the corresponding Implementation Plan as endorsed by the SET Plan Steering Group[[]]. In this sense, proposals shall detail, to the extent possible, the financial contributions from public and private funding sources at national level needed for the execution of those R&I activities, and explain which processes or mechanisms will be put in place to actually execute and monitor the R&I activities.

Furthermore, proposals shall also establish and implement a dissemination plan to communicate their output (in connection to the achievement of specific SET Plan targets). Regardless of other communication means, all outputs shall be fed into the SET Plan information system (SETIS).

In addition, proposals will ensure the coordination of the outcome of the relevant outputs of ongoing R&I actions listed in the Implementation Plan contributing to the achievement of the SET Pan targets.

The actions financed under this topic will be coordinated with the SET Plan Steering Group through the SET Plan secretariat.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU in the range of 1 EUR million per SET Plan Implementation Plan would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. This does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts that should be justified on the basis of the number and volume of the R&I to be coordinated. The specific characteristics and the different needs for support among the different SET Plan Implementation Plans needs to be considered. The duration of the projects should allow for a stable and continuous implementation of the R&I actions addressed (indicative duration: 3 years).

The Strategic Energy Technology Plan of the European Union focusses on ten actions structured around the Energy Union R&I priorities. Its goal is to accelerate the transformation of the European energy system making it more sustainable, secure and competitive as a fundamental enabler of a low carbon economy. This strategy relies on a strengthened partnership among SET Plan countries and the stakeholders from both the industrial (including the European Technology and Innovation Platforms, ETIPs) and research communities (including the European Energy Research Alliance, EERA). In 2016, the SET Plan adopted a set of ambitious targets for its ten actions through a wide participatory process and the corresponding Implementation Plans will be finalised in 2017 and beginning of 2018.

The expected impact will be the achievement of the research and innovation goals of the Energy Union through the implementation of the integrated Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan, in particular the execution of the SET Plan Implementation Plans endorsed by EU Member States and SET Plan Associated Countries.