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Local / small-scale storage


Specific challenge:This topic will address the need to progress energy storage and reduce the barriers associated with new storage concepts integrated into the distribution grid and at building/house level. For local storage applications, addressed in this topic, it is desirable to include the interaction between the electricity grid and other energy uses such as the district heating/cooling network, CHP, micro-generation, local renewables and to include the most advanced ICT for optimising the whole system. Seen the various barriers that energy storage is facing, the activities under this topic should include the anticipation of potential market and regulatory issues with due consideration to the social, socioeconomic aspects and improved models to demonstrate energy storage systems.

Scope: Activities should focus on integrating solutions that reached already TRL 5 to TRL 6 and above (please see part G of the General Annexes).

The direct/indirect storage must take into account grid interfaces and synergies between electricity, heating/cooling and final applications when they enable a clear benefit to be validated in this context. When appropriate, synergies between technologies could be used. The direct/indirect storage must take into account of grid interfaces and synergies between electricity, heating/cooling and final applications when they enable a clear benefit to be validated in this context. When appropriate, synergies between technologies could be used. LCA and economic assessments of the investigated systems should be refined.

The priority is:

                     Demonstration and performance verification of electrochemical and other storage technologies that are connected with low voltage substations or variable distributed electricity generation or in individual houses. This would include community storage systems in residential areas or storage in industrial parks. The activities should include issues on safety, socioeconomic and business models. For islands with insufficient or no grid connection, the integration aspects with all energy vectors/grids shall have very high priority.

                     Demonstration and performance verification of compact electricity-grid connected heat and cold storage systems with enhanced performance. This would include integrated systems with e.g. heat pumps and/or micro CHP or the integration of existing heating/cooling grid storage with the electricity grid.

                     Demonstration proposals shall include market uptake measures for integrating energy storage in the electricity network and power system managementand cost-benefit analyses of the possible uses of the technology seen from a system perspective.

                     All projects will have to perform a detailed cost-benefit analysis and operational optimization of storage.

This topic addresses stationary/movable storage; integration of electric vehicles in the grid is expected to be addressed under other calls. The performance of market-ready technologies, with TRL 7 or above, may be verified through technology verification schemes such as EU Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) pilot programme[1].

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 8 to 12 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected impact: The proposals are expected to:

  • Demonstrate the technical and economic synergy between local storage (ideally of several energy vectors), smart grid management, demand response and their integration with advanced ICT.
  • Demonstration of the integration of storage services in network management, particularly exploiting storage with electronic interfaces to facilitate the integration and back-up of highly variable renewable generation and dispersed demand response.
  • Increase the grid security and stability, and reduce grid congestion e.g. through appropriate integration with ICT tools for the control and management of electricity networks.
  • Increase the potential for new grid supporting services (balancing and ancillary services) linked with the availability of storage.
  • Enhanced supply independence of remote areas by means of local renewable energy generation and storage.
  • The impacts are expected to be linked to either energy balancing, increased grid security and stability or improved grid congestion management at local level.
  • Cover a wider use of storage technologies in the energy system through validation of solutions with reduced cost, increased efficiencies, and lower environmental impact.
  • Accelerating innovation and business models for deployment of storage at local level.
  • Deferred investment for grid reinforcements and lower societal costs associated with high penetration of distributed variable renewable energy resources.

The impacts are expected to be linked to either energy balancing or improved grid congestion management at local level.

Type of action: Innovation Actions
