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Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum


The Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum (ReSOMA) will bring together the relevant research communities with stakeholder representatives and practitioners such as international organisations, non-governmental organisations, social partners, local and regional authorities, cities as well as European and national policy stakeholders.

Taking stock of existing scientific literature linked to best practices in the management of migration and immigrant integration in the EU, and asylum practices, the Research Social Platform will organise stakeholder workshops and elaborate synthetic policy briefs on evolving forms of migration and mobility, on reception and asylum procedures, on integration measures, including language provision, social and psychological support to refugees, on skill recognition and training for migrants, and on other innovative actions to ensure the best possible reception and integration of migrants in their new local environment. Gender issues and the specific challenges related to the education and integration of minors should be addressed.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU in the order of EUR 2 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Over these last two years, the European Union has been faced with the largest influx of migrants, including refugees, in decades. Caused mainly by violent conflicts, geopolitical shocks and economic disparities in Europe's neighbourhood and beyond, this influx poses short, medium and long-term challenges, from the immediate accommodation and hosting of migrants in loco to their lasting societal integration in their new regional and/or urban context.

Migration features prominently in both President Juncker's policy priorities as well as in Societal Challenge 6. Global migration drivers and flows have economic, socio-political and cultural consequences (e.g. costs and benefits, varying impacts on sending and receiving countries, tensions with and within local populations, budgetary implications, impact on cultural diversity, challenges to the international protection of human rights) that must be better understood in order to find appropriate solutions.

A new interactive platform/network of stakeholders will be created, which should aim at continuing beyond the duration of the action. Recommendations from participatory workshops and policy briefs are to be discussed and agreed by key stakeholders, practitioners and policymakers therefore strengthening communication, bonds, learning and best practices among the participants and beyond. Findings should be translated into policy advice that is tailored for end-user policymakers, notably the European Commission, the Member States and the Associated States. The Research Social Platform will contribute to the knowledge base informing the future shaping of European migration policy.