ERA-NET: Sustained collaboration of national and regional programmes in cancer research
The successful proposal should align national, regional research funding programmes on translational cancer research by implementing a transnational call with EU co-funding resulting in grants to third parties.
Proposals should pool the necessary financial resources from the participating national (or regional) research programmes as well, where appropriate, leverage resources from pertinent foundations, charities and transnational initiatives, with a view to implementing a joint call for proposals resulting in grants to third parties with EU co-funding in this area. The proposal should overcome hurdles that impede long-term coordination, involving research and innovation and cancer care stakeholders, taking into account relevant cancer research and innovation and cancer care initiatives. The proposal should build on previous EU-funded ERA-NET initiatives in this area.
The proposal should also demonstrate potential impact at national, regional and transnational research and innovation programmes as well as a leverage effect on national and European research and competitiveness using key indicators. Other joint activities may include: analyses of research and innovation funding and impact, dissemination, communication towards citizens, training, and are requested to include other additional joint transnational calls (without EU co-funding).
The proposal should demonstrate that these co-funded other activities exclude any overlaps with related on-going actions co-funded by the EU under Horizon 2020 SC1.
Participation of legal entities from third countries, and/or regions including those not automatically eligible for funding in accordance with General Annex A, is encouraged in the joint call as well as in other joint activities including additional joint calls without EU co-funding. Participants from countries not listed in General Annex A are eligible for EU funding under this topic and may request a Union contribution (on the basis of the ERA-NET unit cost) only for the coordination costs of additional activities. The proposal should demonstrate that these co-funded other activities exclude any overlaps with related on-going actions co-funded by the EU under Horizon 2020
The ERA-Net should envisage a duration which is appropriate to the ambition and complexity of the proposed topic. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of a minimum of EUR 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Common challenges in cancer research can only be met by effective transnational cooperation on prioritised efforts, using national, regional and charity-based resources. Important achievements have been obtained by TRANSCAN and TRANSCAN-2.
However, more efforts are warranted to address the potential for sustainable coordination, the access to and sharing of data on cancer research and treatment as well as alignment of national, regional and foundation or charity-based programmes and activities in Member States/Associated States and beyond.
- Identification of common research and innovation priorities, taking into account international developments where relevant.
- Leveraged funding, through transnational collaborative research and innovation on cancer, based on a common strategic research agenda.
- Streamlined national, regional and foundation or charity-based practices in organising research and innovation funding.
- Demonstrated sharing of data and analyses of funded cancer research and their impact.