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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

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Responsible Research and Innovation in Higher Education Curricula


Specific challenge:

This topic will raise the importance and uptake of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Europe and beyond, via the design, production and dissemination of educational material and curricula for use by Higher Education Institutions and other higher education establishments, and their incorporation into educational programmes for science and engineering studies. The embedding of RRI in curricula will help Higher Education Institutions to shape more responsible and responsive researchers, able to better frame their research in a societal context, necessary for tackling societal challenges more effectively and in a more transdisciplinary manner.


The action assists the development of openly available curricula that embed all five RRI keys (societal engagement, gender equality and gender in research and innovation content, open access, science education and ethics), in a comprehensive approach for students, teachers, professional trainers and academic staff of Higher Education Institutions and other higher education establishments. Inspiration and good practices should be drawn from both the EU and third countries. Higher Education Institutions, other higher education establishments, research organisations and relevant institutions, as well as associations thereof, such as national science academies, and civil society organizations (CSOs), Science Museums and Science Centres should work together to explore the state of the art and develop a comprehensive methodological approach for RRI curricula. The creation of partnerships to this end would be an asset. The proposals shall provide ways for the testing, dissemination and widespread uptake of course material by academia in Europe and elsewhere. Ideally, both curricula and practical case-studies, theoretical and practical exercises, also embedding policy relevance, should be made easily and freely accessible on-line using the latest multimedia support. They shall benefit stakeholders, including business and industry[1], beyond participants in several educational systems in Europe; materials/results shall be equally relevant to other countries. The proposals shall identify the choice of the countries be based on transparent, appropriate criteria. An International Cooperation dimension is essential. A link shall be established with RRI Tools – a project to foster Responsible Research and Innovation for Society, with Society; links shall also be made with the education experts of the project’s Advisory Board. Moreover, working on making a link – where applicable – with the cooperation and partnerships pillar of Erasmus+ programme is welcome.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 and 1.5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

This action allows for the provision of financial support to third parties in line with the conditions set out in Part K of the General Annexes.

Expected impact:

Activities will enhance Higher Education Institutions and higher education establishments' social involvement and their role with and for society through the five RRI keys. It will provide future researchers and innovators with tools, skills and qualifications that facilitate and ensure engagement with society and ethical working methods. Commission action will position EU Higher Education Institutions (HEI) at a competitive advantage vis-a-vis their global partners. In the medium term, it will leverage complementary activities at regional and Member States level. It will kick start global debate on the setting of standards for the incorporation of RRI in Higher Education curricula. In the long term, seeding RRI principles at the earliest possible stage will reduce the training costs for Member States, and increase the social benefit and social relevance of European R&I.

Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions.
