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Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN)


The Knowledge Transfer Network shall cover the following research activities:

  • Communication – organisation of workshops and symposiums, ATM research summer schools, the development of newsletters and other actions aimed at the dissemination and sharing of SESAR exploratory research results.

  • Observatory and roadmap – monitoring, identification and analysis of new opportunities for innovative ATM research of relevance to the evolution of the European ATM system and the development of a long-term roadmap development of innovative and interdisciplinary ATM concepts beyond SESAR 2020. The Observatory is expected to host the open source framework models, tools and metrics developed by SESAR 1 WP-E projects and in addition contain information (e.g. scientific articles, PhD theses, conference presentations, etc.) about worldwide long-term research in ATM related trends. Based on the generated knowledge from the KTN activities combined with the knowledge from the Observatory. The KTN is expected to produce a long-term roadmap for innovative and interdisciplinary ATM concepts beyond SESAR 2020 in the timeframe.The roadmap may contain information on the SESAR R&D Priorities in the long-term period for SESAR Concepts evolution and beyond SESAR 2020.

  • Take-up – stimulate the transfer of exploratory research results towards ATM applications-oriented research and onwards towards industrial research. This will include the assessment of direct/indirect impacts of SESAR Exploratory Research program on the long-term evolution of the European ATM system including establishing stronger links performance measures. The Networks will identify the maturity of research results and facilitate the link with research at higher-levels of maturity for example within the SESAR Industrial research programme.

  • Future ATM Skilled work-force – supports European ATM education and training in the ATM Community to develop new talent with a deep knowledge of the future ATM scientific research needs which will sustain a supply of bright young ATM research talent in the long term as well as stimulating the next generation of ATM operational and engineering staff. The future ATM skilled work-force activity will provide opportunities for postgraduate students to participate and contribute to ATM research in Europe including support for PhD research projects. The specific PhD topics themselves do not need to form part of the proposal but will be administered by the KTN. The proposal should outline how this will be achieved. PhD proposals must contain innovative research ideas and address the long-term evolution of the European ATM system. The PhD researchers are expected regularly to present their research at summer schools and workshops, organized by the Knowledge Transfer Networks and submit scientific papers for the SESAR Innovation Days conferences.

  • Support to SJU initiatives – support the organisation of the SESAR Innovation Days research conference and the SESAR Young Scientist Award.The SJU will provide a link to its Scientific Committee who also takes a key role in these activities.

This action allows for the provision of financial support to third parties in line with the conditions set out in Part K of the General Annexes and in accordance with the SJU Annual Work Programme (Amendment 1) and the Single Programming Document 2017-2019.

This Knowledge Transfer Network topic focusses on the assessment, transfer, communication and sharing of research results among the ATM community.

With reference to the SJU Annual Work Programme 2016, this topic covers Section 3.5.4 sub Work area 1.1 topic a).

The specific challenge is to be addressed by the Knowledge Transfer Network, in order to support and encourage collaborative research on future and emerging innovative ideas, expertise and knowledge for the benefit of the future evolution of the European ATM system. The KTN will address the challenge to stimulate the learning and exchange of knowledge from academia, research community and industrial partners following up already on the SESAR 1 research network results and also stimulating the transfer of new knowledge from other disciplines.

The Knowledge Transfer Network will also include the organisation and running of interdisciplinary or ‘themed’ research network activities based around key ATM research subjects and SJU exploratory research projects with the aim to stimulate learning and the exchange of knowledge between academia. The interdisciplinary or “themed” research activities will include a provision of a platform for training, transfer of knowledge and PhD research activities.

The range of possible themes for the network activities to be included covers the key subject areas for SESAR 2020 exploratory research:

  • Automation,

  • Robotics & Autonomy;

  • Complexity Data Science & Information Management;

  • Environment & Meteorology for ATM;

  • Performance, Economics,

  • Legal & Regulation; ATM role in Intermodal transport;

  • CNS for ATM;

  • High Performing Airport Operations;

  • Optimised ATM Network Services;

  • Advanced Air Traffic Services;

  • Enabling Aviation Infrastructure

The expected impacts from the KTN activities will be cross-fertilization of knowledge from other disciplines that will encourage the exploration of innovative and unconventional ideas and research directions in ATM. Research proposals are expected to contribute to transferring SESAR exploratory research results to SESAR Industrial Research. In parallel the PhD researchers who are part of the KTN are expected to become Europe’s scientific and technological leaders in the European ATM environment. Other expected impacts are the kick-starting of new ideas, new research directions and roadmaps contributing to the evolution of the European ATM system beyond SESAR 2020.

The KTN activities will be encouraging European research leadership of new and emerging ATM concepts and ideas with the strong engagement of scientists, citizens, innovators and policy makers and non-ATM stakeholders.