Network collaborative Management
NCM has been subject to research in the SESAR programme. Mature results are publicly available in the solution packs for the following SESAR solutions:
SESAR solution 56 (ATFM Slot Swapping)
SESAR solution 57 (UDPP Departure)
SESAR solution 17 (Advanced Short Term ATFCM Measures (STAM))
SESAR solution 18 (CTOT and TTA)
SESAR solution 21 (Airport Operations Plan and Network Operations Plan seamless integration)
NCM is subject to continued Industrial Research (IR) and Very Large Scale Demonstration (VLD) activities within the SESAR 2020 programme. This project must ensure that its activities are coordinated with parallel projects working in this area.
In particular, this action follows on from the project PJ24 NCM funded under call H2020-SESAR-2015-2. Consortia applying for this topic must include at least one AU, and may include additional entities provided their role in supporting the demonstration from the AU perspective is adequately justified in the proposal. Applicants should demonstrate how their flying programme will provide the benefits expected to be derived from the project.
In current operations, AUs participate in DCB processes though NM’s Airport Operators Liaison Office (AOLO), that allows, for example, the coordination of re-routing options for avoiding delays. Slot-swapping processes are also available through NM. In this demonstration, new AU participation concepts will be demonstrated, in order to allow their business priorities to be taken into account in locally-managed DCB processes.
AUs shall perform the demonstrations in collaboration with parallel demonstration projects dealing with the same subject to develop the concept of the demonstrations, participation in activities preparing the trials, participation in periodic follow-up meetings, production of all the documentation related to the demonstration as well as results dissemination and communication activities. Output from the demonstration shall include a report by each participating AU containing a full analysis of the impact of the procedures on AU performance.
Participating AUs will not need to dispatch any flights for the sole purpose of the demonstrations, i.e. participation shall always be through revenue flights. For participating in these trials there is no need for specific avionics equipment beyond what is currently required for operating in European airspace. However, Airline Operations Centre (AOC) processes and systems may need to be updated, and participating AUs may be required to file Extended Flight Plans (EFPL) for the demonstration flights.
Demonstration flights must be in at least one of the following two categories:
Flights overflying the area controlled by the following ANSPs:
Flight taking off or landing at one of the following airports: Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Alicante, London Heathrow or Split.
The expected involvement of consortia answering to this open call shall be in accordance to the following requirements:
The consortium shall work in collaboration with other demonstration project on NCM all along the project including preparation of the trials. This expected support includes collaboration for developing the concept of the demonstrations, participation in activities preparing the trials, periodic follow-up meetings, support for the production of all the documentation related to the demonstration, as well as participation in the demonstration dissemination and communication activities. Output from the demonstration shall include a report by each participating AU containing a full analysis of the impact of the procedures on AU performance.
Consortia shall provide to the ANSP relevant data from their demonstration flights for the operational evaluation of the performance of the concepts under demonstration. These data may include, among others, questionnaires or other feedback by airline staff (flight-crews and/or Airline Operations Centre (AOC) personnel), fuel burn data (potentially including suitably aggregated and de-identified FDR data), scheduling and punctuality data and descent efficiency data.
Participation in advanced Target Times (TT) management demonstration concepts shall be optional. AUs submitting bids to this call should specify whether their offer includes their participation in the demonstration of TT management concepts, which will be considered an added value in the evaluation of proposals. AUs participating in the demonstration of TT management concepts shall be required to operate flights fully in accordance with the concept being demonstrated (e.g. potentially by flying at a Cost Index (CI) different from the AU’s preferred CI or rejecting a tactical path-shortening instruction for the purpose of complying with an assigned TT).
Network Collaborative Management (NCM) processes includes the participation of local actors in Air Traffic Flow Control Management (ATFCM). Airports, Flow Management Positions (FMP) located at European Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) now bear collaboratively with the Network Manager (NM) the management of DCB processes.
This demonstration will demonstrate Airspace User (AU) involvement in Demand Capacity Balancing (DCB) Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) processes managed by FMPs and by airports, in accordance with the PCP AF#4.
With reference to the SJU Annual Work Programme 2016, this topic covers Section 3.5.4 sub Work Area 2.1 topic c).
The new NCM concept of operations offers increased opportunities for AUs to participate in DCB CDM processes, because they can now collaborate with local DCB actors as well as with NM. The active involvement of AUs in this demonstration is needed for the evaluation in a live environment of these concepts and the quantification of their benefits.
The demonstration will pave the way for implementing concepts from the PCP Air Traffic Management (ATM) NCM functionality, which is a cornerstone of the future performance-driven ATM environment in Europe. The objective is to ensure cost-efficiency and capacity performance goals are met while at the same time AU’s operational needs and requirements are fulfilled. Results of the demonstration should quantify performance improvements resulting from the demonstration flights, using, as a minimum, relevant KPAs from the performance framework defined in the ATM Master Plan.