Collaborative management of TMA & Airport throughput
Collaborative framework managing delay constraints on arrivals main objective is to define and validate a collaborative framework for the coordination and collaboration between different ATM processes (including the so-called User Driven Prioritisation Process - UDPP), dealing with delay constraints on arrivals (considered the most important contributor to performance issues). This collaborative framework shall enable the coordination and integration of 4D trajectory constraints for various stakeholders (Airports, ANSPs, AUs and Network Manager) in order to ensure the continued stability and capacity performance of the ATM network, at regional and local level, while taking into account the AU business needs.
Dynamic E-TMA for Advanced Continuous Climb and Descent Operations and improved Arrival and Departure Operations aims at improving descent and climb profiles in busy airspace (as close as possible to near idle CDOs and optimised CCOs), as well as the horizontal flight efficiency of arrivals and d
The trajectory development and management processes in ATM currently do not allow each individual user to incorporate specific aircraft/flight priorities into the requested trajectory, and respect any constraint in a way that best meets the business priorities. Today the ATM system allows little flexibility to airspace users (e.g. ATFM slot swapping process). Airspace users’ full participation through their flight operations centres (FOC/WOC) into ATM collaborative processes, including flights’ prioritisation with the full user driven prioritisation process (UDPP), is essential to minimise impacts of deteriorated operations for all stakeholders including airspace users.
Complex interacting traffic flows in the TMA (including from/to multiple airports) need to be more actively managed to increase safety and improve fuel efficiency whilst capacity is increased. Use of stepped climbs and descents should be reduced at the same time as optimising flights laterally and with appropri This topic will develop solutions that are expected to have a positive impact on the Network improving: