International cooperation with Canada (RIA)
Proposals for the Joint Call EU-Canada are expected to address a mix of quantum technology challenges in the areas of quantum communication, computing, simulation and sensing and identify the added value and/or mutual benefit for both EU and Canadian partners. These should include the integration of different aspects like physics, engineering, computer science, theory, algorithms, software, manufacturing, control, infrastructures, etc.
Relevant technological and societal challenges to address include:
- Quantum computing and simulation co-design of hardware and software to accelerate applications; seamless interoperable software-to-hardware stack that can apply over multiple platforms, and theoretical and computer science foundations of quantum algorithms and architectures.
- Privacy and security concepts, proofs and applications for quantum communication, including QKD (quantum key distribution) and beyond; device independent protocols, quantum network/repeater protocols, including architectures and network stack; development of satellite and space-based hardware, and certification/verification of states and correlations.
- Application-specific quantum sensor development covering: device fabrication, characterisation, e.g. for magnetometry, prospection, imaging, navigation, biomedical, and theoretical research optimising simple sensors, control, as well as advanced approaches (use of entanglement and error correction).
Proposals should address one or more of the above technological and societal challenges and clearly define the benefit the EU-Canada collaboration brings. In order to raise the Technology Readiness Level (TRL), support for holistic - software and hardware - engineering approaches across all areas are encouraged in consortia involving participation of relevant public and/or private partners.
The Commission and NSERC consider that proposals with duration of 36 months (but not exceeding 60 months) would allow these outcomes to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other durations.
This is a Joint Call EU-Canada. The total indicative budget for the topic is EUR 8.00 million (approximately CAD 12.00 million[[Exchange rate of 4th May 2021 applied]]) (sum of the EU indicative budget for the topic and the Canadian indicative budget for the topic, which is also EUR 4.00 million (approximately CAD 6.00 million[[Exchange rate of 4th May 2021 applied]]). The expected Canadian contribution per project is around EUR 1.33. million (approximately CAD 2.00 million[[Exchange rate of 4th May 2021 applied]]). The total expected contribution per project is EUR 2.66 million (approximately CAD 4.00 million[[Exchange rate of 4th May 2021 applied]]). Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of a proposal requesting different amounts.
The funding from NSERC will be provided to eligible applicants in Canada only and the EU funding only to legal entities established in eligible countries in accordance with General Annex B.
In this topic the integration of the gender dimension (sex and gender analysis) in research and innovation content is not a mandatory requirement.