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CORDIS - EU research results
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Programme Category

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Innovative materials for advanced (nano)electronic components and systems (RIA)


Europe aims to become a global role model for the digital economy and society. Electronic components and systems (ECS) are the building blocks for this. Electronic components and systems are core enablers and differentiators for the development of many innovative products and services in all sectors of the economy.

Research and innovation are key to maintain the competitiveness of the European ECS industry, generating growth, creating value, jobs and prosperity. Materials innovation lies at the heart of this endeavour.

Actions under this topic must address one or more of the following technologies:

  • Innovative materials design and processing for devices based on new and emerging technologies, including advanced methods of data driven materials design, for e.g. spintronics, neuromorphic, in-materio computing multisensing, photonics, nano-mechanics advanced ferroelectrics or biosensing;
  • Heterogeneous integration of new materials (such as PZT, graphene, titanium oxide or aluminium oxide, etc.) for miniaturised sensor and actuator modules.

Proposals should indicate the key quantitative specifications to be achieved and develop demonstrator components/systems to showcase the desired functionalities together with the increased efficiency, reliability and manufacturability. Proposals are also expected to prove the industrial relevance of the intended approach, establishing links to applications likely to benefit from the development. End-of-life issues should be addressed.

Proposals submitted under this topic should include a business case and exploitation strategy, as outlined in the introduction to this Destination.

This topic is open for international cooperation where the EU has reciprocal benefit, while excluding industrial competitors from countries where the safeguarding of IPRs cannot be guaranteed.