Market Uptake Measures of renewable energy systems
The proposal is expected to develop solutions addressing at least 2 of the expected outcomes either for the entire renewable energy market or focusing on a specific energy sector, such as electricity, heating, cooling or renewable fuels. Proposals can also address issues within a specific geographical region such as urban and peri-urban areas. Issues related to acceptance of RES technologies due to cultural heritage landscape particularities can be addressed. Self-consumption issues can be addressed too. International aspects, such as collaboration with third countries and promoting solution in new markets, can be addressed as well.
The proposed solution can be developed to address a local challenge but needs to have wide potential for reapplication. The solution should have a long term viability and not be limited to an ad-hoc fix. The methodologies applied may be inspired by successful approaches already tested in other fields or contexts.
For all actions, the consortia have to involve and/or engage relevant stakeholders (e.g. businesses, public authorities, civil society organisations) and market actors who are committed to adopting/implementing the results. The complexity of these challenges and of the related market uptake barriers may call for multi-disciplinary approaches, which should include contributions from the social sciences and humanities. Where relevant, regional specificities, socio-economic, gender-related, spatial and environmental aspects will be considered from a life-cycle perspective.
Where relevant, proposals are expected to also assess the legal, institutional and political frameworks at local, national and European level and examine how, why and under what conditions these could act as a barrier or an enabler.