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EU agriculture within a safe and just operating space and planetary boundaries


In order to enable the transition to sustainable agriculture, it is crucial to establish the necessary policy framework and related monitoring and evaluation activities. This implies the development of appropriate tools for measurement and monitoring of socio-economic and biophysical data in order to model and project scenarios and derive the necessary targets, trajectories and relevant policy measures and the development of relevant analysis.

Projects should:

  • operationalise the concept of safe and just operating space, including planetary boundaries, in the case of the EU agriculture and at different spatial scales;
  • boost the analytical and modelling capacity of the EU and Associated Countries in the farming sector with a view to informing impact assessments and formulating policy recommendations, with a particular focus on conditions and policy measures for the EU farming sector to respect planetary boundaries, in particular regarding climate change and biodiversity, and safe and just operating space;
  • work at various geographical scales, from local, national, EU to global levels, and simulations and projections should range from short / medium term (to capture the accelerating impact of climate change) to long term policy scenarios;
  • Within a foresight exercise, develop post-2027 science-based targets for European farming allowing the sector to remain within the planetary boundaries and a safe and just operating space, and the conditions to achieve the targets, and develop a roadmap and the related policy framework to reach those objectives;
  • mobilise running Horizon 2020 projects and build on their main results. It should aim to bridge gaps in modelling approaches relevant to the exercise, including those identified by the Horizon 2020 project Suprema. Projects should link in particular with the projects financed under RUR-03-2018 (CONSOLE[[]], Contract2.0[[]] and EFFECT[[]]) and RUR-04-2018-2019 (Mind Step[[]], BESTMAP[[]] and AGRICORE[[]]);
  • include a task to collaborate with other projects financed under this topic and under topic HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-13 “Modelling land use and land management in the context of climate change”;
  • work in a multidisciplinary manner and involve a broad community of scientists including climate, land, biodiversity, health, human, economic and environment sciences;
  • establish a regular dialogue with the European Commission regarding objectives, timeline and main deliverables with the goal to provide analyses, analytical tools, simulations and policy recommendations for the common agricultural policy (CAP) post 2027, as well as other relevant EU programmes (for instance EU climate and biodiversity policies). The possible participation of the JRC in the project will ensure that the approach proposed will be compatible with and improve the tools used at the European Commission. Project duration should not be shorter than four years;
  • ensure that the proposed approach will be compatible with and improve the tools used at the European Commission.

As an option, necessary additional analysis and modelling may be supported through grants to third parties. In this case, the proposal must define the process of selecting entities for which financial support will be granted, of up to 60.000 EUR per third party. Grants to third parties may be utilised to ensure a comprehensive coverage of technical issues and the participation of pluralistic approaches to the analytical work on a series of key issues.

In this topic the integration of the gender dimension (sex and gender analysis) in research and innovation content is not a mandatory requirement.