Towards a European nuclear competence area
In order to support the Euratom Programme’s objective of maintaining and enhancing the EU’s nuclear competences, the consortium would implement a comprehensive pan-European E&T programme in the areas related to the use of nuclear and ionising radiation technologies, including ionising radiation applications beyond nuclear energy. The action will consolidate the field of nuclear education and training in the EU by providing detailed insight, building upon previously developed activities e.g. the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) or the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology platform (SNETP) and its pillars, the European Learning Initiative in Nuclear Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation (ELINDER), DG ENER ENSTTI study (2016), or other strategies and frameworks under the European Education Area (EEA), European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA) and designing a common approach at European level.
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