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Consolidation of the RI landscape – Individual support for evolution, long term sustainability and emerging needs of pan-European research infrastructures


This topic targets the consolidation of the EU RI landscape through the support, together with member countries, to the strengthening, long-term sustainability, reorientation or evolution of ESFRI Landmarks or other European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs). Its specific scope could however be further defined to address specific emerging needs identified and agreed at EU level. Activities aimed at ensuring long-term sustainability include enlargement of the membership or broadening the base of participating countries, international cooperation, revision of business/funding plan, development of managerial and technical skills for RI staff, and structuring and strengthening of national nodes. Support can also be provided to the development of solutions helping the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic consequences on service provision, such as extension of remote and virtual access, or on the management of the infrastructure itself. Activities for reorientation or evolution should fill gaps in the RI