The main goal of this project is the development of all parts of the concentrator photovoltaic system: photovoltaic concentrator modules with Fresnel lenses and III-V multi-junction solar cells, sun tracking systems and equipment for testing of the concentrator modules parameters. 410 concentrator photovoltaic modules based on Fresnel lenses and high efficiency III-V and silicon solar cells will be manufactured and installed on the sun tracking system in Fraunhofer ISE. The concentrator module construction made by "All glass design" will be modified. The sun tracking system construction is planned to be changed. The long-term test of the whole photovoltaic system will allow solving the possible problems with its durability and stability. The methodics of concentrator modules testing will be established after testing of the whole photovoltaic system. Final purpose is ultra-high efficient (up to 30%) photovoltaic system.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
IIF - Marie Curie actions-Incoming International FellowshipsCoordinator