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CORDIS - EU research results
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-06-16

Intelligent Self-describing Technical and Environmental Networks


W3C envisages the future of the Web to be a "Semantic Web", which is an extended web of machine-understandable information and automated services that go far beyond current capabilities. The objective of this project is to tap these new possibilities for applications in the technical domain, especially to provide support for decision makers in a complex and continuously changing environment. This support is based on applying rules and process knowledge on available data published to the web. The data comprises measurements, human observations and design information. Data acquisition and process control is assisted by self-describing devices, e.g. measurement sensors or intelligent sub-systems, installed in the considered technical systems. The technology will be demonstrated by applications in the field of electro-technical systems, decentralised energy systems and environmental measurement systems. Dissemination will take place through the project website, presentation of papers and demonstrations given at conferences and workshops, provision of publicity material and a user group.

The user group will be the starting point for exploitation by both the consortium members directly and by partnerships outside the consortium. The key standardisation task is to move the current generation of standards for design, engineering and process monitoring data to OWL ontologies, and thus make the appropriate data models available for semantic web technologies. Innovations provided by the project will comprise an ontology that enables a device to announce its existence, position in a network, and the services it provides. Also, the capturing of human qualitative observations and their publication on the web with respect to a formal ontology, as well as the development of rules that can be applied to any kind of technical data available on the web are key innovations. And finally the project will link two worlds up to now apart: STEP and OWL.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

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Total cost
No data

Participants (7)