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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-29

GRID programming with COMPonents: an advanced component platform for an effective invisible grid

Project description

Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services
GRIDCOMP allows to seamlessly composing applications and services deployed on large scale infrastructures, for example with several thousand computers all over the world.

Effective components for the Grid
Using many computers at the same time to solve complex scientific or technical problems, such as simulating weather forecast, new drugs, or the behaviour or airplane wings, for instance, is a promising alternative to conventional main frame computer systems. The advantages of this so-called 'Grid Computing' are obvious: the computers can be geographically dispersed, and the computing power can be triggered according to the requirements. But here reside also the drawbacks: efficient Grid Computing depends on software - so-called middleware - that can deal with different hardware and operating systems, authorization, security, load and failure problems, to make all these computers behave like one.
The European Project "GridCOMP" tackled this problem and proposes a component-based framework implementing the "Grid Component Model (GCM)" to support the development of efficient distributed applications making these typical Grid computing-related problems "invisible". This framework now allows to seamlessly composing applications and services deployed on large scale infrastructures, for example with several thousand computers all over the world.

GridComp main goal is the design and implementation of a component based framework suitable to support the development of efficient grid applications. The framework will implement a kind of "invisible grid" concept as it will properly abstract all those specific grid related implementation details that usually require high programming efforts to be dealt with. The proposed framework represents an alternative to existing component frameworks in at least three aspects: - it raises the level of abstraction perceived by programmers, by providing hierarchically composable components and advanced, interactive/integrated development environments, thus enabling faster and more effective grid application development processes,- it implements advanced component (self-) management features, implementing well known or experimental techniques that actually temper the efforts required to programmers to design, implement and tune efficient grid applications,- it exploits knowledge from existing European projects as well as open source tools in its design and implementation, as the high level guidelines to design the component framework are directly inherited from CoreGRID NoE results and the framework itself is built on top of existing open source, European grid programming environments and it will be eventually released under open source license.The GridComp framework will be able to interoperate with existing standards, such as Web Services, thus providing the grid application programmers further chances to develop grid applications exploiting already existing software modules in a component perspective. The component model refined in GridComp will be designed to become a "de facto" standard: big industry and SME involvement in the project since the very beginning guarantees the framework implements all the features usually expected from an actual grid programming framework. The use cases developed within the project will provide final assessment of the framework feature

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 132 205,00
06410 Biot

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Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Alpes-Maritimes
Activity type
Total cost
No data

Participants (11)